Chinmay Khamkar

About Me

A curious mind striving to learn daily in the field of science and technology. Passion and dedication to have an impact on our society through innovation. I love to solve real-world porblems with the help of code.

  • Age 22
  • Residence USA


Event Finder

• Engineered an Android application using Java and Android Studio to enable users to search and view details of various events, including concerts and sports events, by integrating the Ticketmaster API and Spotify API
• Created a backend using Node JS and hosted it on AWS Elastic Beanstalk to enable the app to fetch data from the APIs and provide users with seamless access to events details, seat maps and Spotify artist albums.
• Tech stack – Android Studio, Java, Node JS, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Ticketmaster API, Spotify API.

LoR manager

• Architected web application with aim of assisting college professors and students to manage and keep track of LoRs (Letter of recommendation).
• Developed features including user authentication, CURD operations, reset JWT tokens for both teacher and student portal
• Tech stack – React JS, Material UI, Node JS, Express JS, MongoDB, SendGrid, Heroku, Vercel. Link - project link

Canteen Management

• Created a dashboard to enable online food ordering from University’s canteen in collaboration with seven developers.
• Built an order queue, a menu list with React JS and integrated with backend leveraging Axios endpoints
• Tech stack: React JS, Material UI. Link - project link

Chrome Dino game using Deep Learning

• Constructed famous chrome Dino game where user could control its actions by hand gestures
• Designed deep learning model for certain type of hand gestures and achieved an accuracy of 88% and automated it with Pyautogui library.
• Tech stack – Python, OpenCV, Keras Link - link

Stackoverflow to chatGPT

• Built a chrome extension to feed Stackoverflow questions to chatGPT model and generate answers for the same.
• Displayed the generated answers in the Stackoverflow page itself and give user the option to select whats best. Link - Link

Deepfakes Detection

• Due to advancements in the field of deep learning and GANs technology, it has made possible for common users to manipulate images and create deepfakes and it's very difficult to spot a deepfake with our naked eyes.
•To tackle this issue we have proposed a methodology using CNN to detect deepfakes and stop its spread. A research paper for this is accepted for publication in IEEE explore. Paper Link



Jan 2022- Dec 2023(Expected)

University of Southern California (USC)

MS in Computer Science
Aug 2017-May 2021

Dwarkadas J. Sanghavi College of Engineering

BE in Computer Engineering


May 2022 - Current
USC Dornsife

Software Development Intern

• Implement a daily activity tracking web app for a group of scientists with strength of 9k users.
• Deliver a responsive web app using Bootstrap with features such as create, edit, delete, and save activities.
• Design API endpoints to store and retrieve data from a NodeJS backend with remote SQL database and its integration with frontend via PuTTY.

Apr 2021 - Oct 2021

Software Development Engineer Intern (Full-stack)

• Developed frontend of a website including functions such as onboarding, search, appointment booking, APIintegration etc. for both user and CRM side.
• Performed bug fixes, code migration from HTML to EJS to optimize page speed by 15%, implemented a mailing system to notify the CRM team about various user activities.
• Automated script to convert all leads generated from JSON format to an EXCEL sheet to assist the CRM team and improved efficiency by 30%.

Dec 2020 - Mar 2021

Software Development Engineer Intern (Frontend)

• Built real-time quiz module for students reaching a user base of 10k users to take MCQ-based tests and check scores in comparison with other candidates via leaderboard.
• Integrated the API endpoints on frontend such as user authentication, join quiz, submit quiz, check leaderboard, provided by backend team.
• Delivered dashboard and analytics to keep track of test score and improved app traffic by 20%.

Coding Skills

JavaScript, TypeScript, C, C++, Python, Java, HTML/CSS, React JS, Node JS, Angular, Android Studio, Bootstrap, Express JS, AJAX, EJS, Keras, OpenCV, Unity, MongoDB, MySQL, GraphQL, Firebase, Hadoop, PuTTY, Heroku, GCP, AWS EC2, Netlify, Vercel, GIT


SoundCloud Audio

SoundCloud Audio

Media Project 2

Detailed Project 2

Vimeo Video 1

Vimeo Video 1

Vimeo Videos
Media Project 1

Detailed Project 1

Mockup Design 1

Mockup Design 1

YouTube Video 1

YouTube Video 1

YouTube Videos



Los Angeles, CA

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